Commercial and Industrial ESS

Optimize Power Management and Reduce Operating Costs

Commercial and Industrial Energy Storage System is designed for businesses and industrial users, helping them store energy during low-cost periods and use stored energy during peak periods, achieving peak shaving and reducing electricity costs. The system also provides backup power to ensure the continuous operation of critical equipment and processes, improving power reliability and safety. Additionally, it can participate in power market transactions, providing peak regulation, frequency regulation, and other ancillary services.

Contact us to learn how our Commercial and Industrial ESS can help you optimize power management and reduce operating costs.


  • Peak shaving to reduce electricity costs.
  • Providing backup power for critical equipment.
  • Participating in power market transactions to increase revenue.
  • Managing capacity and demand to lower transmission and distribution expenses.
  • Improving power quality and enhancing electrical safety.
  • Enhancing emergency capabilities with backup power.
  • Addressing user-side capacity expansion and scalability issues.


Solution Features

  • High Voltage Access
  • Flexible Layout with Centralized or Distributed Arrangement
  • Unmanned, Automated Control

Low Voltage Access Scheme

Solution Features

  • Low Voltage Access
  • Flexible Layout with Centralized or Distributed Arrangement
  • Unmanned, Automated Control


Air Cooling Containerized BESS

Liquid Cooling Containerized BESS

1C BESS for High Rate Frequency Regulation

2MWhContainerized Commercial Industrial ESS

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